Monday 27 September 2010

27 Sept - Game Update

27 Sept.
Right whats new, Updated the UI, and the grass graphics and pick up graphics (food and health). Also now when you hit the enemy block you can't go futher until you kill all the spawned enemies. I think I'll probably work on the fighting next. So much to do so little time. I didn't get anything done over the weekend, a combination of Rum on saturday and Dwarf Fortress on sunday (don't play it, it's too adictive).

Sunday 19 September 2010

23 Sept.
Fixed it so you don’t constantly get an error, at the moment, each box spawns 5 enemies, the last part of these spawn boxes is getting them to scroll properly, after that I start working on the fighting elements (moves,combos,enemy health, reach)

19 Sept.
Okay radomly spawning powerups/health, and a bunch of enmies spawning. The health bar works and the lives mostly,... lots of building blocks that need to be tied together, everytime i dad something in something else breaks :P Notice the error, just dismiss all, if figure it out eventually!!!

Friday 10 September 2010

Game Engine Update

I've updated the engine, this time with scrolling background, the level has a start and finish and the character loads and has a set limited movement area.

Thursday 9 September 2010

GameEngine - Movement

Hello! I've been learning AS3 for Pixel Fighter(tm) the game! So far i've got the movement class working and tracking the keys (I need to keep track of the keys so i can create combo's later,... or at least that's the plan!)

Tuesday 7 September 2010

Pixel Fighter

I've decided to make a fight game to learn AS3!

Yeah me.

Anyway his some pics...

Breathing Anim

Thursday 17 June 2010

First Post

Just a bit of skin practice